Innovation, or how the Cornish do things differently.

 Epiphany time! In looking round the Museum of Cornish Life and musing on selecting objects for the Cornish National Collection I realised this week that choosing what makes Cornwall different and unique and individual does not need to be about showing it as entirely different from everywhere else, but rather about highlighting how Cornwall does things differently.

This idea began to form whilst looking at the fishing display at the museum. I grew up around fishermen (including my grandad) in Lytham on the North West Coast and many of the items in the Museum of Cornish Life are similar if not identical to items I am used to — the seemingly insignificant net-making tools are really what brought me to this thought.

And yet there are also items across the collection that show distinct differences and a spirit of innovation, mainly in response to the particular geography, weather patterns and aspects of Cornwall.

So I have come to the idea that my objects choices will be based on The Spirit of Innovation and Invention: How Cornwall does things differently.


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